Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stephen King's EW column

I love Stephen King's monthly column in Entertainment Weekly magazine, The Pop of King. He basically talks about whatever is on his mind at that moment, but he does so with an eloquence and witticism that is rarely found in a cheap weekly glossy.

In one article he gave a list of what he believes are the ultimate rock and roll songs. Now you may not agree with his list, which skews more towards the infancy of rock with Buddy Holly and Elvis, his charm in presenting them is undeniable. Its not that you have to agree with him, its that you can feel he really believes in what he is writing. Thats kind of the essence of what makes his writing style so appealing to some and its the reason his books are such undeniable bestsellers. You believe everything he says. He infuses his work with a child-like enthusiasm thats infectious.

I'll be the first to admit that he isn't a flawless writer, there have been a few books that, for me, just fell flat. Maybe he just didn't believe in the story enough, whatever. But there is no denying, however, that he knows his way around a sentence. There is a simplicity to his language that is at once deep and relatable.

Whether Mr. King is talking about the joys of movie theater snacks or the merits (or lack thereof) of modern horror his columns are always well written and effuse with humor and intelligence, and because of this The Pop of King is the one thing I love today.

Read one of his columns here:

And you can search for the rest of his articles at

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Watchmen Movie Trailer

This trailer rocks some serious shit.

Originally I was very skeptical about an adaptation of Alan Moore's venerable graphic novel. I was keeping quiet, testing the waters before I got my hopes up. The Watchmen, after all, has been deemed unfilmable by so many that I'm surprised they even tried.
Then I saw the trailer.
Now I'm not an idiot, there have been many a trailer that has fueled my inner geek-child while the movie still turned out dissappointing (see the Star Wars prequels), but I just couldn't help but be thrilled. The tone. The feel. Everything seems to be in place.

The book is one of the most dense and literate comics ever to be published, so no amount of eye candy will completely placate my fears of a botched adaptation, but this does look more promising than I even hoped. So right now, all that we can do is wait and see if everything adds up. It could be one of the best movies to come out next year, or one of the biggest dissappointments. But right now its one of the most exciting trailers I've seen yet this year.
Check it out here: